The Rocking Relics website
(the band I also play with)
My PA system. It kicks BUTT.
No finer guitar amp. Period.
The wireless unit I use
for both electric and acoustic
Sonny Ferguson- extraordinary one-
man band from Orlando FL
KIller 70's bar in Lee's Summit
Great biker bar in Bonner Springs KS
Explore Tampa Bay. I know I will.
Cheeseburger in Paradise bar & grill
at the Legends in KCKS

The little box in which my backup band resides
The only guitar FX I've ever used
The Balmoral Inn in Biloxi MS. Book a week and be sure to tell Mike I said hi
Great rock band. Killer singer. :-)
Jake's Place bar in Shawnee KS
Jeremiah Bullfrog's bar & grill in Topeka KS
Visit Biloxi MS. Like a second home to us
Hard Rock Biloxi. Gotta visit while in Biloxi
Mike Hildebrand, web/multimedia designer extraordinaire. Give him a call